FACT CHECK: Did Nancy Pelosi Divert $2.4 Billion From Social Security To Pay For Impeachment?
A post shared on Facebook more than 4,900 times claims House Speaker Nancy Pelosi diverted $2.4 billion from Social Security to pay impeachment costs.

Verdict: False
The legislative costs of impeachment are paid out of the congressional budget for conducting its duties. The claim originated in an article published on a satire website.
Fact Check:
A viral post claiming Pelosi diverted Social Security funds to pay for impeachment costs has been making the rounds on Facebook recently. This comes as the House speaker signed the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump Jan. 15, before sending them to the Senate for the trial.
“Pelosi diverts 2.4 billion from social security to pay for impeachment,” reads the post. “This cannot be allowed. She does not want this getting out, please help.” (RELATED: Did Every Democrat Vote Against A Cost-Of-Living Increase For Social Security?)
That claim, however, originated in an article published on Potatriotsunite.com, a parody news website that describes itself as part of a network that publishes “parody, satire, and tomfoolery.” The article is filed under the “satire that makes you horny” category.
Social Security Works Executive Director Alex Lawson told WUSA9 that it would be impossible for Pelosi to divert money from Social Security.
“The law is really clear here that the premiums that we pay into Social Security can only be used for benefits and the administration of the services to provide those benefits,” Lawson told WUSA9.
The legislative costs of impeachment are taken from the funds allocated to Congress for conducting its duties, according to Yahoo Finance.