FACT CHECK: Does This Image Show A Book About The Omicron Variant That Anthony Fauci’s Sister Published In November?
A viral tweet claims a book about the omicron variant was published by White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci’s sister, supposedly named Dr. Angelique Fauci.
Verdict: False
Anthony Fauci’s only sibling, Denise Scorce, did not write the book.
Fact Check:
Featured in the tweet, which has garnered over 600 likes, is a book called “Omicron and the other Covid-19 Variants: All you need to Know about Covid-19 Vaccines & Variants” that lists the author as Dr. Angelique Fauci. The tweet itself reads, “How did Fauci’s sister publish a book on Omicron in the same week Omicron was supposedly ‘discovered’?!”
But, contrary to the tweet’s claim, Anthony Fauci does not have a sister named Angelique. His only sibling is his sister Denise Scorce, according to a transcript of a 2007 tribute to him and an article about him available on the National Library of Medicine website.
“NIAID confirms that Dr. Fauci’s sister did not write a book about the Omicron variant,” the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which Anthony Fauci heads, confirmed to Check Your Fact via email. (RELATED: Image Claims Christina Grady Is The Acting Head Of The FDA)
A Dec. 1 Google Cache screenshot of the book in question’s Amazon page lists it as being “independently published” on Nov. 27, the day after the World Health Organization (WHO) designated the omicron variant of coronavirus as a “variant of concern.” It no longer appears to be available on Amazon.
“Our store maintains content guidelines and we remove products that do not adhere to these guidelines. The title in question has been removed,” an Amazon spokesperson told Check Your Fact via e-mail when asked about the tweet’s claim. “We also listen to customer feedback and when a concern is raised we promptly investigate it. You can find our content guidelines for books here.”
Following the omicron variant’s detection in late November, some e-books about it were self-published on Amazon. Other fact-checkers have debunked claims related to certain omicron-related books.
Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon’s platform for self-publishing e-books, states on its webpage that publishing can take less than five minutes and that books appear “on Kindle stores worldwide within 24-48 hours.”