FACT CHECK: No, A Nigerian Outlet Did Not Report That Countryā€™s President Switched Currencies

Elias Atienza | Senior Reporter
A video shared on Facebook claims to show a Nigerian outlet’s report that the country’s president, Bola Tinubu, switched the currency from the naira to dollars.

Verdict: False

The video does not show a genuine news report. There is no evidence that Tinbu is planning to abolish the naira.

Fact Check:

The Facebook video claims to show a news report from Nigerian outlet Arise News about Tinubu changing the currency. The video shows Tinubu saying, “We are planning to abolish the usage of naira and start using the dollar as our local currency.”

This video, though, is not genuine and is doctored. The individuals’ lips appear to not be in sync, casting into doubt that their movements are genuine. Check Your Fact reviewed both Arise News’ website and its social media accounts, both of which did not yield any results for the alleged video.

Arise News also denied the video was genuine in a tweet.

DISCLAIMER! ARISE News totally dissociates itself from a DEEP FAKE VIDEO making the rounds on social media mimicking the What’s Trending segment’s anchor Ojy Okpe. The digitally-altered video which claims that President Bola Tinubu plans to abolish the naira in favour of the dollar is the handiwork of Fake News peddlers. For authentic ARISE NEWS content, we implore the public to visit our verified social media handles: @AriseNewsChannel on YouTube, @ARISEtv on X (Twitter), @Arisenewsoffical on Instagram and AriseNews on Facebook,” the outlet tweeted.

“That is not to be dignified with a response. It is a foolish thing. Certainly, it can’t be true,” a presidential spokesperson told Reuters.

Elias Atienza

Senior Reporter
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