FACT CHECK: No, CNN Did Not Air Chyron Saying Trump Used A Child As A ‘Human Shield’ During RNC

Anna Mock | Fact Check Reporter

A post shared on Facebook allegedly shows a screenshot of a CNN broadcast with a chyron that reads “Trump uses child as a human shield during RNC.” 

Verdict: False

CNN did not air this, a spokesperson for the outlet confirmed in an email to Check Your Fact.

Fact Check: 

Fred Trump III, Trump’s nephew, called his uncle “atomic crazy” and claimed he can be “cruel” in a recent interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” according to The Hill. Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for Trump, denied Fred Trump’s claims and claims they were fabricated to help promote his recent book, the outlet reported.

The Facebook post purports CNN aired a chyron that claims Trump used a child as a shield. A photo appears to show an image of CNN anchor Jake Tapper alongside an image of former President Donald Trump behind a young girl. A chyron displays a CNN logo, the words “Republican National Convention” and the text “Breaking news Trump uses child as a human shield during RNC.”

The post’s caption reads, “This is unbelievable, why did you do this @ Jake Tapper? Have you no decency?”

This post has been digitally fabricated, however. A video on the CNN website shows the original broadcast with the same “Republican National Convention” text, but instead of the claim about Trump using a child as a “human shield,” it shows text saying “Trump delivers longest acceptance speech in recent history.”

A CNN spokesperson confirmed in an email to Check Your Fact, “that is a completely fabricated post.”  (RELATED: No, Pete Souza Wasn’t Suspended From X For Claiming Trump Wasn’t Hit By A Bullet)

In small letters under the CNN logo is a watermark that reads “@CarpeDonktum.” This account originally posted the image and its bio reads, “Eternally Sarcastic Memesmith. Content I post was ‘Doctored’ by me.”

Anna Mock

Fact Check Reporter
