FACT CHECK: Does This Image Show Young Donald Trump In 1952?

Trevor Schakohl | Legal Reporter

The Facebook page Historical Pictures shared an image that purportedly shows President Donald Trump as a young child in 1952.

Verdict: False

The picture has been digitally manipulated to make Trump look decades younger.

Fact Check:

Trump has become a popular subject for digitally manipulated images on social media in recent years. This particular Facebook page, Historical Pictures, claims to show a childhood photograph of Trump dating back to 1952. (RELATED: Does This Picture Show Trump With E. Jean Carroll?)

However, the Daily Caller did not find any credible media reports containing the image, and it only seems to show up on meme websites. A search of Trump’s verified social media accounts didn’t return any matching pictures either.

Snopes, a fact-checking website, determined that the picture is a doctored version of a screen grab from Trump’s April 1988 interview with Oprah Winfrey. Someone used Snapchat’s “Baby Filter” to make Trump look like a toddler. A black-and-white filter has also been applied to age the picture, according to Snopes.

During that 1988 interview, Winfrey asked Trump, who was in his early 40s at the time, whether he would ever consider running for president.

“Probably not, but I do get tired of seeing the country ripped off,” answered Trump. “I just don’t think I really have the inclination to do it. I love what I’m doing, I really like it.”

Trump posted an actual childhood picture on Instagram in August 2013.

“Who knew this innocent kid would grow into a monster?” Trump jokingly captioned the photograph.

Trevor Schakohl

Legal Reporter
Follow Trevor on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/tschakohl
