FACT CHECK: Did Trump Say His COVID-19 Test Was ‘Hugely Perfectly Negative’?

Jonathan Fonti | Fact Check Reporter

An image shared on Facebook claims President Donald Trump said that his COVID-19 test was “sooo negative, that the doctors said they never saw a negative number so low.”

Verdict: False

There is no evidence that Trump ever made the statement.

Fact Check:

Trump announced on March 14 that he had been tested for COVID-19 the previous day and expected the results in a couple days after coming in contact with Brazilian officials, some of whom later tested positive for the disease caused by the new coronavirus, at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

White House physician Dr. Sean Conley released a memo March 14 saying the president had tested negative, Reuters reported. Trump also briefly discussed his negative test result with reporters after the fact. (RELATED: Did Donald Trump Say, ‘People Are Dying That Have Never Died Before’?)

“My test was negative. In fact it was sooo negative, that the doctors said they never saw a negative number so low!” one viral Facebook post quotes Trump as saying about his COVID-19 test. “It was perfect; perfectly negative. Actually, it was hugely perfectly negative. And tremendous too! My doctor said it was the best and greatest score of anyone who has ever taken the test.”

There is, however, no evidence that Trump ever made the statement. It does not appear on his Twitter accounts, and it could not be found in any transcripts of press briefings since Trump tested negative for COVID-19. Nor have any media outlets attributed the remark to him.

In a March 16 press conference, Trump said that he took the test after receiving numerous questions about it from reporters, saying, “The results came back, I believe, the following day. And we tested negative.”

Jonathan Fonti

Fact Check Reporter
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