FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Tweet, ā€˜Republican Governors Should Not Be Shutting Down Their Statesā€™?

Trevor Schakohl | Legal Reporter

An image shared on Facebook allegedly shows President Donald Trump tweeting, “Republican Governor’s (sic) should not be shutting down their states!!!”

Verdict: False

There is no record of Trump sending or deleting the tweet.

Fact Check:

Republican Utah Gov. Gary Herbert and the state’s Department of Health on Nov. 8 issued mandates in response to a surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations. The orders include wearing face coverings in public, at work and within 6-foot proximity of people outside of their households, as well as limiting “casual social gatherings” to household members only through Nov. 23, according to The Associated Press.

Multiple Facebook users shared an image of an alleged Nov. 12 tweet Trump seemingly directed at Herbert in response to the governor’s actions. The supposed tweet reads: “Republican Governor’s (sic) should not be shutting down their states!!! Grow a pair and let people decide how much risk they accept!! We are Americans! Thanksgiving isnt (sic) cancelled!!! I am talking to you @garyherbert!!!”

There is, however, no record of Trump sending the tweet. It does not appear on his Twitter timelines or in ProPublica’s archive of his deleted tweets. A tweet to that effect likely would have prompted media coverage as well. (RELATED: Does Chapter 45 Of Donald Trump’s ‘The Art Of The Deal’ Tell Readers To ‘Never Admit Defeat’?)

Herbert currently tweets from the verified Twitter handle @GovHerbert. The handle @garyherbert is not verified, has only nine followers, shows zero visible tweets and does not follow any verified politicians at the time of publication.

Check Your Fact has previously debunked screen grabs of fake Trump tweets. Earlier this month, social media users falsely alleged Trump tweeted, “If I lose the election, I’m nuking California. I’m not even kidding. Frisco’s getting a can of liquid sunshine. The only star in Hollywood will be the one detonated two miles above that stupid sign.”

Trevor Schakohl

Legal Reporter
Follow Trevor on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/tschakohl
