FACT CHECK: Did Amy Klobuchar Like A Tweet Seemingly Making Fun Of Pete Buttigieg?
An image shared on Facebook claims Democratic Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar liked a tweet seemingly making fun of former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
Verdict: False
There is no evidence Klobuchar liked the tweet. The person who liked the tweet was actually a different Twitter user with the same name as the Minnesota senator, according to the pictured Twitter user who tweeted in the meme.
Fact Check:
President-elect Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that he would be nominating Buttigieg, one his former Democratic rivals for the presidency, to be the Secretary of Transportation, Reuters reported. (RELATED: Viral Image Claims To Show A CNN Article About Bernie Sanders Insulting Pete Buttigieg)
Following that announcement, an Facebook post appearing to show a screen grab of a tweet from Dec. 15 was posted. The tweet, seemingly in response to Buttigieg’s nomination, shares a meme of the former South Bend mayor eating food with text that reads, “Opportunities I don’t deserve and am not qualified for.” Above the meme, a message says, “Amy Klobuchar and 9 others liked.”
There is, however, no evidence Klobuchar liked the tweet. Check Your Fact searched through the liked tweets on both of Klobuchar’s verified Twitter profiles – @amyklobuchar and @SenAmyKlobuchar – and did not find the tweet containing the meme of Buttigieg. Major media outlets didn’t report about the Minnesota senator liking the tweet either.
The Twitter user who first posted the meme later replied to her own tweet, saying, “People on this website are so gullible omg.” She then clarified that it wasn’t Klobuchar who liked her tweet.
“Putting this on the record before someone gets mad at me:” the user tweeted. “THIS IS FAKE AMY KLOBUCHAR DID NOT LIKE MY TWEET, SOMEONE WITH THE SAME NAME DID.”
Instead, another Twitter user who changed their display name to imitate the Minnesota senator liked the tweet, Snopes reported. Twitter users can change their display names at any time, according to Twitter’s Help Center.
Klobuchar on Dec. 15 sent a tweet congratulating Buttigieg on his nomination, saying, “Congratulations @PeteButtigieg! From roads to rail, there is so much to be done and I’m looking forward to working with you! I know you will bring both your big ideas & your local government experience to the job. John & I look forward to welcoming you & Chasten to Washington.”