FACT CHECK: Did Rush Limbaugh Write This Open Letter Thanking Donald Trump For The âLast Four Yearsâ?
A viral Facebook post attributes to conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh an open letter thanking former President Donald Trump “for the last four years.”
Verdict: False
Check Your Fact didn’t find any evidence the open letter originated from Limbaugh. The lengthy statement has previously circulated online without being attributed to Limbaugh, and media outlets have credited similar statements to different people.
Fact Check:
Limbaugh, who has previously expressed support for Trump, falsely claimed on Jan. 20 that President Joe Biden did not win the 2020 presidential election “legitimately,” The Hill reported. Now, Facebook users are sharing an open letter, purportedly from Limbaugh, that thanks Trump for his four years as president.
“My days on earth are numbered; But before I fade away, there is something important I need to say,” the letter begins. “It may not be important to anyone else; but it’s important to me. Win, lose, or fraud… President Trump, I just want to say thank you for the last four years.”
The open letter goes on to thank Trump for “making it cool to be an American again,” “making it feel good to love our country and to be a proud patriot again,” and “supporting our Nation’s flag and the men and women who fought for the freedom that stands behind that flag,” among other things. There is, however, no evidence the open letter originated with Limbaugh, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
The statement does not appear in transcripts of Limbaugh’s radio show, on his website or in any of his Facebook posts. A review of an archived version of his Twitter timeline from the time he joined Twitter in October 2020 until January shows no similar statements. Limbaugh deactivated his Twitter account in early January after Trump was permanently suspended from the platform, USA Today reported.
“These are not Rush Limbaugh’s words,” Rachel Nelson, public relations director of Premiere Networks, which syndicates Limbaugh’s radio show, confirmed to Check Your Fact via email. (RELATED: Did Jim Jordan Author This Statement About Donald Trump’s Second Impeachment?)
While an internet search found no media reports about the open letter being from Limbaugh, it did show iterations of the lengthy statement have been circulating online since at least November 2020, when a Facebook user posted it without attribution. Check Your Fact also found the statement published on the websites of two media outlets, The Florida Times-Union and The Bakersfield Californian.
The Florida Times-Union posted a version of the letter on Jan. 17 as a guest column and credited it to a Jacksonville resident. The Bakersfield Californian published a shorter version on Jan. 13 as a letter to the editor from a Bakersfield resident. It’s unclear how the open letter first became linked to Limbaugh.