FACT CHECK: Did Johns Hopkins Publish This List Of ā€˜Alternativeā€™ Cancer Treatments?

Trevor Schakohl | Legal Reporter

A Facebook post purportedly shows a statement from Johns Hopkins Hospital about alternative treatments for cancer besides chemotherapy.

Verdict: False

Johns Hopkins did not release this information. The hospital has refuted the attribution.

Fact Check:

The Feb. 27 Facebook post allegedly contains “CANCER INFORMATION from Johns Hopkins” detailing different alleged treatments for cancer besides chemotherapy.

“After Years Of Telling People Chemotherapy Is The Only Way To Try And Eliminate Cancer, Johns Hopkins Is Finally Starting To Tell You There Is An Alternative Way,” the post reads, in part.

The post goes on to list 16 supposed “facts” about cancer and different purported ways to treat it including doing deep breathing exercises, eating a “diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits,” avoiding eating meat products and learning to have “a loving and forgiving spirit.”

Johns Hopkins did not publish the lengthy statement in the Facebook post. A search of Johns Hopkins’ Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center (SKCCC) website turned up no results for the list of alternative cancer treatments shared in the post. In fact, the SKCCC published on its website a statement addressing a version of the claim that was sent via email.

“Information falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins called, ‘CANCER UPDATE FROM JOHN HOPKINS’ describes properties of cancer cells and suggests ways of preventing cancer,” the statement reads. “Johns Hopkins did not publish the information, which often is an email attachment, nor do we endorse its contents.”

The post on the SKCCC website went on to correct several of the statements made in the Facebook post, including the claim that “cancers feed on certain foods.” (RELATED: Viral Image Claims Wearing Face Masks Causes Cancer)

Alternatives to chemotherapy do exist and are widely used to treat cancer. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) lists a variety of treatments on its website, including radiation therapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, stem cell transplantation and surgery.

“The types of treatment that you receive will depend on the type of cancer you have and how advanced it is,” states the NCI. “Some people with cancer will have only one treatment. But most people have a combination of treatments, such as surgery with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.”

Trevor Schakohl

Legal Reporter
Follow Trevor on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/tschakohl
