FACT CHECK: Does This Video Show The Recent 7.2-Magnitude Earthquake In Haiti?
A video shared on Facebook allegedly shows a room being shaken by the 7.2-magnitude earthquake that recently struck Haiti.
Verdict: False
The video was actually filmed during a 2018 Alaskan earthquake.
Fact Check:
The 7.2-magnitude earthquake on Aug. 14 happened 78 miles west of the Haitian capital city of Port-au-Prince, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The Haitian government said the earthquake has caused over 2,200 deaths and destroyed over 53,000 homes, CBS News reported.
The footage of someone running out of a room as it is rocked by a tremor has been shared on Facebook along with claims it shows the recent Haitian earthquake. In the video, the scene shakes more and more violently, with the camera ultimately getting knocked over. Similar claims also circulated on Twitter.
In reality, the footage doesn’t depict a scene from the Aug. 14 earthquake in Haiti and is a few years old. Seattle NBC affiliate KING 5 News posted it on YouTube on Nov. 30, 2018, reporting it showed an earthquake in Alaska. The station credited the video to a man named James Easton, who had tweeted it that same day and said it was filmed that morning.
On the morning of Nov. 30, 2018, a magnitude-7 earthquake shook the south-central part of Alaska, according to the USGS. Local news outlets KWG 8 and KTOO also indicated that the footage, which they credited to Easton, showed the 2018 earthquake near Anchorage. (RELATED: Does This Video Show An Earthquake In Alaska In July 2021?)
Easton replied to an Aug. 14, 2021, tweet that erroneously linked the video to the Haitian earthquake. In the tweet, he stated that it shows the Alaskan earthquake in 2018.
Check Your Fact previously corrected a false rumor that the footage showed the 8.2-magnitude earthquake that Alaska experienced on July 28 this year.