FACT CHECK: Did Eric Trump Announce He Would Reveal Classified Information That Would Remove Joe Biden From Office?
An image shared on Facebook claims Eric Trump, the son of former President Donald Trump, announced he will reveal classified information on Telegram that will lead to President Joe Biden being removed from office.

Verdict: False
There is no evidence Eric Trump has made such an announcement. He publicly refuted the post’s claim.
Fact Check:
The image shows what appears to be a Telegram message featuring a photo of Eric Trump and text saying, “ERIC TRUMP announced he will reveal classified information on his channel that will remove Biden from office.” The post provides a link to Eric Trump’s alleged Telegram channel and encourages readers to follow and share it.
In reality, the linked Telegram channel, @TrumpEric, is not affiliated with him. It is not verified and uses the screen name “Sajjad Sharbati.” It also includes a biography that reads, “I love President Trump , TrumpEric , this channel is for support only.” Eric Trump does not appear to have a verified Telegram account.
The allegation that Eric Trump announced he would unveil classified information that would lead to Biden’s removal from office is also inaccurate. Such an announcement would presumably be reported by major news outlets, yet no such reporting could be found. None of the posts by his verified social media accounts include a message to that effect.
Eric Trump posted a version of the image shared on Facebook on his verified Instagram account on Sept. 9, with a caption that reads, “Another #Telegram scam… #NotMe.”
View this post on Instagram
Under Section 798 of the U.S. Code’s Title 18, those who illegally disclose classified material are subject to a fine, up to ten years imprisonment or both. (RELATED: Did Joe Biden Sign An Executive Order Closing Gyms And Indoor Dining Due To The Delta Variant?)
A president may only be removed from office after being impeached in the House and convicted in the Senate, or through the invocation of the 25th Amendment, according to Reuters. In the case of the 25th Amendment, the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet must agree that the president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” and two-thirds of both Congressional houses must vote to agree with that judgment, the outlet reported.