FACT CHECK: Viral Image Claims To Show Message About Abortion Rights In ‘Saints Row’
An image shared on Facebook purportedly shows a message regarding abortion rights in the video game “Saints Row.”
Verdict: False
The image is digitally fabricated. The game’s official Twitter account has denied the claim.
Fact Check:
Several video game companies have voiced support for abortion rights while others have sharply criticized the Supreme Court in the wake of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision this past June, according to Wired. An image shared on Facebook claims the video game “Saints Row,” an open-world action game that was released this week to negative reviews, included a message about abortion rights in the game.
The image shows an alleged in-game message that appears when a user attempts to leave a mission. “You just requested to abort the mission,” reads the purported message. “But what if this option was negated? What if we, the developers, decided that you can not do what you want with your own character. This is what many women in America experience right now. Think about it.”
The message is digitally fabricated. There are no credible news reports suggesting the game features any political messages in the game. Deep Silver Volition, the developer of Saints Row, has not released any statements about the alleged message or posted such a remark on any of its social media accounts.
The official Saints Row Twitter account publicly denied that it included such a message in its game, calling the screen grab “fake.”
Twitter user @DXFromYT posted a video showing the actual in-game message when a player wants to leave a mission. The message states, “Are you sure you want to abort this mission?” The prompt makes no remarks about the recent Dobbs v. Jackson decision or reproductive rights.
Video proof from @PsychoRender pic.twitter.com/oVnLluzSld
The first iteration may be from a tweet posted Aug. 22 by user @YunoDied that has been retweeted over 1,400 times. The account later posted a gif that features the caption, “me spreading misinformation across the internet.”
Check Your Fact reached out to the developers of Saints Row for comment and will update this article if a response is provided.