FACT CHECK: Did The Military Ask Donald Trump To ā€˜Apologizeā€™ For Operation Warp Speed?

Anna Mock | Fact Check Reporter

A post shared on Facebook claims a U.S. general asked former President Donald Trump to apologize for funding Operation Warp Speed.

Verdict: False

The claim stems from a satirical website. There is no evidence that the military has made such a statement.

Fact Check: 

Operation Warp Speed was a federal program to accelerate COVID-19 vaccine development, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Republicans Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe and North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr urged President Joe Biden in August to fund another operation to combat new COVID variants, a press release from Inhofe’s office read.

The Facebook post alleges that the military wants Trump to apologize for his involvement with Operation Warp Speed, claiming his involvement with the project constituted a “breach of trust.”

“Trump’s most outspoken critics, U.S. Army Major Gen. Richard E. Angle and Col. J.D. Keirsey, have said Trump must publicly apologize for creating and perpetuating Operation Warp Speed if he expects unified military support,” the post reads in part.

The claim is baseless. There are no credible news reports or press releases from the Department of Defense to support the claim. No such statement regarding Operation Warp Speed appears on the U.S. Army’s social media accounts. (RELATED: Does This Image Show Someone Selling Nazi Paraphernalia Outside A 2022 Trump Rally?)

The claim stems from a Sept. 12 article on the outlet Real Raw News, a satirical website. “This website contains humor, parody, and satire,” reads a disclaimer on the site’s “About Us” page. 

Check Your Fact has reached out to the U.S. Marine Corps and the Army for comment and will update this piece accordingly if one is received. 

Anna Mock

Fact Check Reporter
