FACT CHECK: Does This Video Show Germans Protesting Inflation Being Beaten By Police?
A video shared on Facebook allegedly shows German citizens protesting inflation and high prices before being arrested by riot police.
Verdict: Misleading
The video shows German police arresting soccer fans, not protesters.
Fact Check:
Germany recently announced that it would extend the lifetime of three nuclear plants until mid-April in order to help deal with the country’s ongoing energy crisis, according to BBC News. Germany received over 55% of its gas from Russia, but has declined in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the outlet reported.
The Facebook video claims to show German protesters being arrested for protesting high energy prices and inflation. The post was also shared widely on Twitter, with one iteration receiving over 230,000 views.
Protests in Germany over inflation and home heating, or the lack there of.
I don’t know…ya think that’s excessive force??
This is what it looks like as any semblance of freedom dissappears. pic.twitter.com/MTuxWSn4jz
— Bryan Gagnon (@Boost411) October 16, 2022
The video is not of protesters being arrested. Through a reverse image search, Check Your Fact found that the video was first shared Oct. 14 on YouTube and Twitter. These video captions state it shows St. Pauli soccer fans being arrested before a game in Hamburg. (RELATED: Did The German Army State It Would Launch An Offensive Against Russia?)
Kicker, a German sports media outlet, reported that several fans were taken into police custody before the Hamburg city derby. St. Pauli’s issued a statement on Twitter asking for “clarification” on the “massive police operation.”
Auf dem Heiligengeistfeld hat es einen massiven Polizeieinsatz gegeben, mehrere Personen wurden verletzt. Angesichts vorliegender Videos und Augenzeugenberichten stellt sich die dringende Frage nach der Verhältnismäßigkeit. Der FC St. Pauli fordert Aufklärung.#fcsp #fcsphsv
— FC St. Pauli (@fcstpauli) October 14, 2022
“There was a massive police operation on the Heiligengeistfeld, several people were injured. In view of the available videos and eyewitness reports, the urgent question of proportionality arises. FC St. Pauli demands clarification,” the club said on Twitter.
Thousands of citizens protested in Germany recently demanding relief from rising energy costs and a quicker transition to green energy, according to Reuters. The outlet stated 24,000 people participated in a demonstration Oct. 22, but did not state if anyone was arrested.