FACT CHECK: Did The Ugandan President Say That Supporting Ukraine Would Be ā€˜Disgustingā€™?

Elias Atienza | Senior Reporter

An image shared on Instagram allegedly shows a CNN article claiming Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said supporting Ukraine would be “disgusting.”

Verdict: False

There is no evidence that Museveni said this or that CNN published an article suggesting this. A spokesperson for the network has also confirmed the image is fake.

Fact Check:

Russian airstrikes in Ukraine have left approximately 1,000,000 without power after striking critical power infrastructure, according to NPR. In July, Museveni made clear that Uganda would remain neutral in the conflict, according to BBC News.

The Instagram image, which shows Museveni, appears to show a CNN article with the headline, “Of Course I Do Not Support Ukraine, That Would Be ‘Disgusting,'” attributing the quote to Museveni.

The article is digitally fabricated. A reverse image search found the original video stems from a CNN video titled “Ugandan president: Gays ‘disgusting.” This video shows Museveni talking about how western countries should respect African values in response to a question from a CNN reporter.

Check Your Fact reviewed CNN’s website and did not find any article claiming Museveni said this. If Museveni had made such a comment, media outlets would have covered it, yet none have.

Uganda abstained from voting on a United Nations General Assembly resolution about Russia’s illegal annexation of Ukrainian territory, The Independent reported. 19 other African countries also abstained from the vote, according to the outlet.

Bridget Leininger, a CNN spokesperson, confirmed to Check Your Fact that the “post was fabricated.” Margaret Kafeero, a spokesperson for the Ugandan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also confirmed to Check Your Fact that Musevini made the statement. (RELATED: Does This Video Show A Botched Parachute Drop By Ugandan Special Forces?)

Update: This article has been updated with a response from the Ugandan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 


Elias Atienza

Senior Reporter
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