FACT CHECK: Are There No Photos Of Joe Biden In The Oval Office After Early 2021?
A post shared on Instagram purports all pictures of Biden in the Oval Office were taken in 2021 on a staged set and with computer-generated imagery (CGI).
Verdict: False
Check Your Fact found several instances of photos of Biden in the Oval Office that were taken after 2021.
Fact Check:
President Joe Biden announced a new initiative Wednesday focusing on junk fees that originate from banks, hotel bookings and other services, The Hill reported. The president claimed the program will save Americans billions in “unfair” fees, ABC News reported.
The Instagram post purports Biden’s presidency is a “smoke and mirror show,” claiming all images of the Oval Office took place in 2021 and were conducted using CGI or a staged set.
“‘Go search images of ‘Biden in the Oval Office,'” the post reads. “Every damn one of them is from early 2021. Biden uses a staged set and CGI (both proven facts) for a reason.”
This claim has no basis in fact. Although several news outlets reported on Biden’s redecorated Oval Office shortly after his inauguration, Check Your Fact found several recently-taken photos of the president since early 2021.
The Associated Press (AP) photographed him outside the office on Oct. 17 and inside of it on Sept. 16 when he met South African President Cyril Ramaphosa. The White House Instagram also posted a photo of Biden with his dog in the Oval Office on Oct. 16.
Another image from Getty shows Biden meeting the Mexican President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, in the Oval Office on July 12. There are no credible news reports suggesting the president has used CGI to stage photos. (RELATED: Did Joe Biden Fake A Recent Visit To A Children’s Hospital?)
The original poster’s Twitter account has been suspended, though their Instagram is still active with over 10,000 followers.
This is not the first time misinformation regarding Biden’s appearances have circulated on social media. Check Your Fact recently debunked a video suggesting the president broke out into the song “Baby Shark” during a recent public event.