FACT CHECK: Did The Russian Black Sea Fleet Recently Lose ‘More Than 16’ Battleships?
A video shared on Facebook claims the Russian Black Sea Fleet lost “more than 16” battleships in recent attacks from Ukrainian forces.
Verdict: False
The Russian Black Sea Fleet did not just lose “more than 16” battleships. The Russian Navy has at least 11 vessels visually confirmed destroyed or damaged, according to independent analysts.
Fact Check:
The Russian Black Sea Fleet has suffered attacks from the Ukrainians, including losing to its flagship, the guided missile cruiser Moskva, according to Newsweek. Ukraine’s Operational Command South claims the fleet has seven ships left, the outlet reported.
The Facebook video, viewed more than 28,000 times, claims the Russian Black Sea Fleet lost “more” battleships. The video’s title reads, “Total Collapse: More than 16 Russian battleship from Black Sea fleet were destroyed in red-line!”
This claim, however, is false. If Ukraine had destroyed 16 Russian battleships, credible media outlets would have reported it, yet none have. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry has not released any statements announcing the recent destruction of “more than” 16 Russian battleships.
The Ukrainian Defense Ministry has claimed to have destroyed 16 Russian naval vessels since the beginning of the war, a number that has not changed since Nov. 2. The Ukrainians damaged at least one Russian vessel, such as in the drone attack on Sevastopol, according to Naval News. (RELATED: Does This Photo Show A Gepard Tank Firing At The Sky In Ukraine?)
Independent analysts have confirmed that at least 11 Russian naval vessels were destroyed or damaged. Oryx, a military analysis website that tracks material losses in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, claims 11 vessels have been destroyed or damaged. WarSpotter, a website that also tracks vehicle losses in the conflict, shows 12 naval losses.
Misinformation regarding the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has been widespread since its start in February 2022. Check Your Fact recently debunked a video allegedly showing a Russian fuel convoy being destroyed in Kherson.