FACT CHECK: Image Claims To Show Katherine Clark’s Daughter

Elias Atienza | Senior Reporter

An image shared on Twitter claims to show Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Katherine Clark’s daughter.

Verdict: False

The image shows another member of Congress’s son, not Clark’s daughter.

Fact Check:

Clark’s daughter, Riley Dowell, was arrested in Boston after allegedly assaulting a police officer and defacing a statue, according to The Associated Press. Dowell is non-binary, the outlet reported.

The Twitter post, which is a quote tweet of Clark talking about Dowell’s arrest, claims to show an image of Dowell. The tweet reads, “This is the daughter that she is referring to,” and shows the image of a person with long hair and facial hair.

The claim, though, is false. Through a reverse image search, Check Your Fact found that the image shows Democratic Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine’s son, not Clark’s daughter. Linwood Michael Kaine was arrested in March 2017 at a pro-Trump rally and was suspected of throwing a smoke bomb to disrupt the rally, according to the Pioneer Press. His mugshot, the image in the Twitter post, was published in the article.

Linwood Kaine later served four days in jail, was placed on probation and ordered to pay a $236 fine, according to The Associated Press. He pleaded guilty to a charge of obstruction of the legal process, the outlet reported. (RELATED: Did Japan Launch An Investigation Into Millions Of Deaths Caused By The COVID-19 Vaccine?)

Dowell was arranged on charges of defacing public property, resisting arrest and destruction or injury of property, according to The Associated Press. An image published in the article shows her with a shaved head, unlike Linwood Kaine’s mugshot.

Elias Atienza

Senior Reporter
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