FACT CHECK: Did A TV Station Post This Tweet Linking Gas Stoves And Cardiovascular Events?
A post shared on Facebook purports New Mexico-based TV station KOB4 allegedly sent a tweet highlighting a study linking gas stoves with a “47.3 percent increased risk of cardiovascular events.”
Verdict: False
The tweet is digitally altered. The TV station’s original tweet highlighted a study examining the link between childhood asthma and gas stoves.
Fact Check:
The Biden administration clarified they would not seek to ban the sale of gas stoves following reports suggesting a move was being considered, Yahoo News reported. House Republicans introduced legislation in January 2023 that would bar the Consumer Product Safety Commission from banning gas stoves, according to Fox News.
The Facebook post purports KOB4 published a tweet highlighting a study linking gas stoves with a “47.3 percent increased risk of cardiovascular events,” the purported tweet reads. “They also found that gas stove usage jumped enormously in 2020.”
The claim is false. There are no credible news reports suggesting KOB4 published the purported tweet. Likewise, there is no mention of the claim on their website or verified social media accounts.
The tweet is digitally altered. The original tweet published by KOB4 examines the link between childhood asthma and gas stoves. (RELATED: Does The Biden Administration Plan To Ban Gas Stoves?)
“A study published in late 2022 found 12.7 percent of childhood asthma cases are linked to homes with a gas stove,” the tweet, which was shared via the television station’s verified account, reads. The tweet also includes a link to an article published on KOB4’s website.
The article quotes a December 2022 study from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health which establishes the link between childhood asthma and gas stoves. The article also quotes two other studies, including one from the American Chemical Society, which indicates how gas stoves emit air pollutants such as carbon dioxide.
Check Your Fact has contacted KOB4 for comment and will update this piece accordingly if one is received.