FACT CHECK: Did The Ukrainian Military Down 100 Russian Aircraft With NASAMs?

Elias Atienza | Senior Reporter

A video shared on Facebook claims the Ukrainian military downed 100 Russian aircraft with National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMs).

Verdict: Misleading

Ukraine received NASAMs in November 2022. Since then, Ukraine has claimed to have destroyed 31 fighters and 33 helicopters. Ukraine claims NASAMs have been used to down missiles and drones.

Fact Check:

Ukraine has received western air defense systems, such as Patriots, over the last few months, according to The Associated Press. Ukraine first received NASAMs in November 2022, according to Reuters.

The Facebook video claims 100 Russian aircraft have been downed by US NASAMs. The video’s preview page reads, “Russian fighters downed one by one.”

However, this claim is misleading. If Ukraine had used NASAMs to destroy 100 Russian aircraft, media outlets would have covered it, yet none have. The claim is likely based on a Ukrainian Air Force post that stated it has used NASAMs to destroy over 100 drones and missiles, according to the New Voice of Ukraine.

The Facebook video, however, claims aircraft were destroyed, which are different from missiles and drones.

On Nov. 7, the day when the first NASAMs first appeared in Ukraine, Ukraine claimed to have destroyed 277 aircraft and 260 helicopters, according to Ukraine’s Defense Ministry. Since then, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry claims its armed forces have destroyed an additional 31 aircraft and 33 helicopters, for a combined total of 64 helicopters and aircraft, which is fewer than the 100 claimed in the Facebook video.

Furthermore, there is no evidence that NASAMs have downed 100 Russian aircraft. Open-source intelligence websites that track Russian military losses, such as WarSpotting and Oryx, show that only between 64-74 aircraft have been visually confirmed damaged or destroyed. WarsSpotting list 81 Russian helicopters as damaged, destroyed, or captured.

A document from the leaked Pentagon documents, obtained by Check Your Fact, shows that as of March 1, the U.S. assessed that  72 Russian aircraft and 82 helicopters were destroyed as of March 1. (RELATED: Does This Video Show NATO Helicopters Being Show Down In Ukraine?)

Assessed Ukrainian and Russ… by Elias Atienza

Misinformation around the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is not new. Check Your Fact recently debunked claims that the leaked Pentagon documents show that Ukraine suffered 71,000+ deaths.

Elias Atienza

Senior Reporter
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