FACT CHECK: Did The Guardian Publish An Article Claiming June Isn’t Cold Because Of Climate Change?
A photo shared on Twitter alleges The Guardian published an article claiming the climate emergency is real because June is “normally one of the 12 coldest months of the year.”
Verdict: False
The photo is digitally fabricated, however. The Guardian confirmed in an email to Check Your Fact that the outlet has published no such article.
Fact Check:
A study published by the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences states that the increase in Californian wildfires is almost entirely due to climate change, according to USA Today. The study also states that the amount of land burned could increase another 3% to 52% by 2050, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
The Twitter post purports The Guardian published a claim that June is unusually hot, proving the climate emergency. The alleged article was supposedly authored by George Monbiot, an environmentalist writer.
“Hot weather in June, normally one of the 12 coldest months of the year: further proof that the Climate Emergency is real,” the alleged headline reads.
The photo is digitally fabricated, however. The alleged article cannot be found through a search of The Guardian’s website or on any of its verified social media accounts.
“We can confirm that the link shared has never been a published Guardian headline or story,” a spokesperson for The Guardian told Check Your Fact in an email. (RELATED: No, The Guardian Didn’t Publish An Article About Getting ‘Dozens’ Of COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters)
Furthermore, the alleged writer, Monbiot, confirmed on Twitter that the article was fake. Check Your Fact has previously debunked another fake article attributed to him.
“Idiot after idiot, fooled by an obvious parody headline,” he wrote.