FACT CHECK: World Jewish Congress Has Not Amended Definition Of Antisemitism To Include Reference To JFK Assassination

Christine Sellers | Fact Check Reporter

A post shared on Threads claims the World Jewish Congress has purportedly amended the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)’s working definition of antisemitism to include reference to President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.


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Verdict: False

The World Jewish Congress has not made any reference to the claim. In addition, Reuters debunked the claim on March 26.

Fact Check:

Texas lawmakers have proposed Senate Bill 326, which would require public school districts, open-enrollment charter schools, colleges and universities to use the IHRA’s “working definition and examples of antisemitism in student disciplinary proceedings,” according to the Texas Tribune. Some Texans have raised concerns that the proposed Senate bill would stifle free speech, the outlet reported.

The Threads post claims the World Jewish Congress has purportedly amended the IHRA’s definition of antisemitism to include reference to Kennedy’s assassination.

“BREAKING: The World Jewish Congress (WJC) amended the International holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism TODAY ON THE DAY THE JFK FILES WERE RELEASED to include: ‘Conflating the assassination of JFK to Jews/Israel,'” the post begins. “It is now antisemitic to say Israel shot JFK,” it continues.

The post includes what appears to be a screenshot of the World Jewish Congress’ website announcing the change.

The claim is false. Check Your Fact did not find a press release or a social media statement from the World Jewish Congress referencing the claim. Likewise, the IHRA does not appear to have commented on the claim.

According to the IHRA’s working definition, “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

In addition, President Donald Trump has not publicly commented on the claim. Check Your Fact found no credible news reports to support the claim, either. Actually, the opposite is true. On March 26, Reuters debunked the claim. A World Jewish Congress spokesperson told Reuters the claim is “purely fictitious and clear misinformation.” (RELATED: Claim About Tenth Circuit Court Of Appeals, Judge Boasberg Is Satire)

Check Your Fact has also contacted the World Jewish Congress for comment.

Christine Sellers

Fact Check Reporter
