FACT CHECK: Did The World Economic Forum Announce Humanity Will Wear Uniforms By 2030?

Joseph Casieri | Fact Check Reporter

A post shared on social media purports the World Economic Forum stated that by 2030 citizens will wear uniforms.

Verdict: False

The claim is inaccurate.

Fact Check:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy shared his disappointment that President Joe Biden opposed Ukraine’s proposed entry into NATO, Fox News reported. Biden suggested a “path” for Ukraine to be eligible for entry, but does not support the addition during the country’s war with Russia.

The Twitter purports the WEF stated all of humanity will wear uniforms by 2023. The post shares an article covering the claim authored by Michael Baxter.

“WEF Says Fashion Will Be Abolished by 2030: ‘Humans Will All Wear a Uniform,'” the headline reads.

There is no credible news report that suggests this claim is accurate. The article refers to a report from the organization Arup which suggests consumers buy less clothing in order to cut down on emissions. The WEF did not work on this research with Arup. They have partnered in the past but there is no information on their website that suggests this partnered on Arup’s recent work.

Furthermore, Arup claims to be a “trust-owned” organization saying, “As a trust-owned firm with no individual shareholders or external investors, Arup sets its own direction – independently.” (RELATED: Images Depict Two different Country’s Riots, Not Two French Riots)

This is not the first time a misinformation has been shared online. Check Your Fact recently debunked a claim that a photo showed Jeffrey Epstein with Spike Lee and Elon Musk.

Joseph Casieri

Fact Check Reporter
