FACT CHECK: Video Of Sick Child Falsely Labeled As Victim Of Israel-Hamas Conflict
A video shared on social media purportedly shows a father holding the body of a child killed in the Israel-Hamas conflict.
@wesamalgisi31 حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل ✍️ولا تحسبن الله غافلأ عما يعمل الظالمون إنما يؤخرهم ليوم تشخص فيه الابصار #غزة_العزة🇵🇸 ♬ الصوت الأصلي – wesam Algisi
Verdict: False
The claim is inaccurate. The video predates the conflict in Gaza.
Fact Check:
The United States investigation states that the destruction of al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza was likely caused by a rocket misfire from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, NBC News reported. President Joe Biden spoke on the issue, backing the claim.
The Twitter post appears to show a father holding his baby who seems to have her eyes closed. The caption is written in Arabic, but google translate provided this translation, “God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs. And do not think that God is heedless of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them for a day when sight becomes clear. #Gaza_Alazza.” The post featured a Palestinian flag as well.
The caption is inaccurate. There is no credible news report that suggests that this video was taken during the conflict in Gaza. Check Your Facts conducted a reverse image search that reveals the video dates back to April 2021 with the title “We don’t deserve them or their devoted love. Our kitty was so worried about our baby when he got sick. Kotka did not leave the child’s side for a minute.”
However, children have been killed in Gaza during the recent conflict. ABC News reported 1,524 kids have died in the fight in Gaza. Using data from the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the outlet reported 3,785 deaths. (RELATED: Video Of Pakistani Air Force Is Old)
This is not the first piece of misinformation surrounding the Israeli-Hamas conflict that has been shared online. Check Your Fact debunked a claim that Presidential candidate Nikki Haley has called for the U.S. to take in refugees from Gaza.
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