FACT CHECK: Image Of Former President Donald Trump With Puffy Face Has Been Edited

Anna Mock | Fact Check Reporter

A photo shared on X allegedly shows former President Donald Trump with a puffy face. 

Verdict: False

This is not a genuine image. It was edited by a satirical account Check Your Fact has debunked previously.

Fact Check: 

In a recent Truth Social post, Trump said he believes business executives should support him or be “FIRED for incompetence,” according to NBC News. He recently met with a group of CEOs at Business Roundtable’s quarterly meeting who believed Trump was “meandering,” Newsweek reported.

The X photo allegedly shows Trump with a swollen, puffy face. The image shows the former president taking a selfie with an older man in a “Make America Great Again” hat.

“What the fuck is this?! Has Trump turned into Mr Hanky the Christmas Poo?!” the post’s caption reads. “Mr Hanky the Christmas Poo” refers to a character from the TV show South Park.

This is not a genuine image of Trump, however. The unedited image was posted to X on June 17 and does not show Trump with the puffiness. It also reveals that another man’s face has been edited onto the person on the right.


The edited photo appears to have been posted originally by an X account called @GaryPetersonUSA. Check Your Fact has debunked this account twice previously. Both instances were photoshopped images of politicians, so it can be assumed the account is satirical. (RELATED: Image Claims To Show Donald Trump Holding Someone’s Hand To Help Him Off Stage)

Check Your Fact has reached out to a Trump spokesperson for comment and will update this piece accordingly if one is received. 

Anna Mock

Fact Check Reporter
