Fact-Checking Recent Claims About Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee Tim Walz

Check Your Fact Staff | Contributor

Republican Minnesota Rep. Pete Stauber published a list on X, formerly known as Twitter, claiming to highlight specific accomplishments regarding the record of Democratic Vice Presidential nominee and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

Here are fact-checks on a select few of these claims.

“[Walz] wants to make Minnesota a sanctuary state for illegals.”

In a 2018 statement to CBS News, Walz appeared to endorse the idea of making Minnesota a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants.

“My position on Minnesota becoming a sanctuary state boils down to who has the responsibility for enforcing immigration laws,” Walz said. “Here’s what I believe: Congress has given federal agencies the authority to enforce immigration laws in Minnesota, and I support their doing so. Congress has not given local law enforcement that same authority. The role of law enforcement is to enforce state and local laws, not federal immigration laws, and I strongly believe that they should not do so.”

“All Minnesotans are safer when the limited resources of local law enforcement are focused on local crimes, and when everyone feels safe to cooperate fully with the police. For example, if your neighbor witnesses someone breaking into your home, you are safer when your neighbor knows their immigration status is not at risk if they call the police,” he added.

Walz’s statement is referenced in an August 2024 article from Fox News who reported that the Democratic Minnesota Governor has supported multiple “sanctuary policies,” including making illegal immigrants “eligible for a tuition-free college program.”

The outlet also cited Walz’s poor immigration rating via the website, “NumbersUSA,” which gave him an F- rating for the 115th Congress and a D rating for his career. According to the same website, Walz co-sponsored a variety of bills to “increase refugee intake, grant amnesty, and weaken border security.” Among these bills was H.R. 6193 (2018), which would “make it more difficult or the feds to detain and prosecute family units and unaccompanied minors who cross the border illegally.”

Furthermore, in February 2024, local news outlet KSTP reported the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL) unveiled the North STAR Act, which would make Minnesota a “‘sanctuary’ state for undocumented immigrants.” Multiple Republican representatives from the state including Tom Emmer and Michelle Fischbach have sent Walz a letter expressing their concerns about the legislation.

Check Your Fact has contacted Walz’s office for further comment. The Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota stated they “do not comment on electoral politics” as a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

“Taxes [were] raised by $10 [Billion]”

This claim is misleading. The number stems from an April 2023 article authored by the Minnesota Senate Republican Caucus, stating that there would be “$9.69 billion in tax hikes from bills” proposed by Walz. The article highlights at least six different bills that were used in the estimates.

H.F. 2335, a $744 million housing bill that included a .25% sales tax in the Metropolitan Minneapolis-St. Paul area, passed and was signed into law on May 9, 2023. H.F. 2887, a $3.56 billion transportation bill that included a motor vehicle registration tax and sales tax on auto parts, was passed and signed into law on May 22, 2023. HF 2, A $2.9 billion paid family medical leave bill funded by an increase in the Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) tax, passed and was signed into law on May 18, 2023.

Some bills used in the estimate, however, did not pass. HF 2883, a $1.169 billion corporate franchise tax bill, was only introduced and has not passed the House or Senate. H.F. 442, a $1 billion 5th tier income tax bill, was also only introduced. (RELATED: No, Minnesota Is Not Allowing Mosques To Stay Open While Churches Must Stay Closed)

Additionally, Walz in January 2023 proposed a budget that would “see expenditures totaling $65.2 billion while also containing $8 billion in tax cuts – both record highs for a biennium,” according to the Minnesota House of Representatives. He recommended $12 billion in spending to go towards funding “mental health support services in schools, free school lunches and expanded access to pre-kindergarten,” according to the Minnesota Medical Association.

Under Walz, Minnesota has shown to be an outlier, raising taxes while most other states have cut them, according to the Tax Foundation. As of September 2023, Twin Cities residents saw at 1% increase in the sales tax to fund some proposals, according to CBS News. Voters in the state supported and approved the extension of tax raises to fund infrastructure projects, Fox9 reported.

Check Your Fact has reached out to the Minnesota Department of Revenue for comment.

“Gave driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants so they can vote”

Illegal immigrants were granted the ability to obtain driver’s licenses as part of a bill, H.F. 4, or also known as Driver’s Licenses for All. Text of the bill states that “The commissioner and a driver’s license agent must not inquire about an applicant’s citizenship, immigration status, or lawful presence in the United States.” The same language appears in guidelines for those seeking only Identification cards.

The Governor’s office released a statement after he signed the bill, stating the law would be “expanding eligibility for a standard Minnesota driver’s license by allowing Minnesotans, regardless of immigration status, to obtain a license.”

The ACLU of Minnesota reported that people regardless of immigration status could apply for a driver’s license. The Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota clarified that applicants could use a foreign passport, birth or adoption certificate to prove their identity.  (RELATED: Did Starbucks Join The Heritage Foundation As An Official Sponsor Of The 2024 RNC?)

To register to vote in Minnesota, a valid driver’s license is required, or any type of ID card is acceptable. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety Driver and Vehicle Services clearly indicates “There will be no method for law enforcement to identify immigration status from the standard license.” The same fact-sheet states no marking on the person’s status will be displayed.

The Minnesota Secretary of State (SOS) did state that with the new Driver’s License for All Bill that non-citizens will be unable to vote in elections. The U.S. Vote Foundation states on their website that one requirement to vote in Minnesota is to be a citizen, but does not elaborate what is required to establish or verify residency.

“Allowed children to permanently alter their bodies without parental consent.”

Walz signed an executive order, Order 23-03, that sought to ensure “people in Minnesota are afforded the protections and rights provided under Minnesota law.”

The text of the order stated that no Minnesota state agency would be required to recognize a judgment that “terminated or restricted” parental rights if they sought gender-affirming health care for their child. The order also declared that state agencies would not have to comply with any subpoenas from other states about “a person’s child who travels to [Minnesota] for gender affirming health care services” regarding potential criminal charges against anyone involved.

In the preamble of the order, Walz did specifically mention other states had “enacted harsher restrictions, going so far as to mandate investigations into parents seeking to help their children obtain gender affirming health care services.” Democratic Minnesota Lieutenant Gov. Penny Flanagan was quoted in a press release as saying, “Our number one job is to keep children safe. This Executive Order does just that. We are saying to our trans loved ones, friends, neighbors, and fellow Minnesotans: you belong here. You are safe here, and we want you in our community as your authentic selves.”

However, the order does not specifically state children could receive such care without any type of parental consent. One bill that passed the Minnesota State House, HF146, does not mention any specific language about parental consent. Rather, the language in the bill affirms the executive order, seeking to “prevent the use of subpoenas” from out-of-state laws.

An article from the Association of American Medical Colleges recommends that children who have “not reached their state’s age of legal consent [should have] their parents or guardians consent” and have the “emotional and cognitive ability” to consent as well.

Check Your Fact has reached out to Gov. Walz’s office for additional comment on whether LGBTQ youth can receive care without consent and will update this piece if a comment is received.

Christine Sellers, Jesse Stiller, Anna Mock and Joseph Casieri contributed to this article.

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