FACT CHECK: Viral Image That Purportedly Shows A Detained Child Is Actually From The Movie ‘Deadpool 2’

Aislinn Murphy | Assistant Managing Editor

An image shared on Facebook purportedly shows a child being held in a federal detention center.

“This picture was taken on 6/26/18 at one of Trump’s child holding facilities,” it claims. “I’m literally shaking rn.”

Verdict: False

This photo is a still from the 2018 movie flick “Deadpool 2.”

Fact Check:

The image, which first went viral in 2018, shows a boy wearing a yellow jumpsuit and metal collar. According to the caption, the photo was taken last year at a detention facility, presumably at the southern border. The post circulated again this past week after congressional Democrats toured two government facilities in Texas.

The picture does not, however, depict a child held in one of these facilities. It actually shows a still from the 20th Century Fox movie “Deadpool 2,” starring Ryan Reynolds as the titular Marvel Comics character. Sixteen-year-old actor Julian Dennison, who appears in the viral image, plays a mutant teenager with pyrokinesis in the film. (RELATED: Did Greenpeace Hang A ‘CONCENTRATION CAMPS’ Banner From The Trump Hotel In Vegas?)

In this frame, his character, “Firefist,” stares out from behind the glass of a high-tech prison for mutant criminals. A reverse image search also turns up similar stills from the movie.

The Trump administration has come under fire recently for reports of poor conditions, including overcrowding and a lack of toiletries, at some of its holding facilities. President Donald Trump signed a bill Monday granting $4.6 billion in humanitarian aid to help the federal government deal with the influx of migrants at the southern border.

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Aislinn Murphy

Assistant Managing Editor
