FACT CHECK: Did Duane ‘Dog The Bounty Hunter’ Chapman Die Of A Pulmonary Embolism?

Trevor Schakohl | Legal Reporter

A link shared on Facebook purportedly shows a WGN America video that announces reality television star Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman has died from a pulmonary embolism.

“He was never healthy since his wife died,” reads the subheadline.

Verdict: False

Chapman dispelled rumors of his death on Instagram Nov. 20. The video was posted on what appears to be a fake news website that has no apparent affiliation with WGN America.

Fact Check:

Chapman, known as the star of reality television show “Dog the Bounty Hunter,” learned in September on an episode of “The Dr. Oz Show” that he was suffering from a pulmonary embolism, according to the Denver Post. (RELATED: Did Clint Eastwood Die From A Heart Attack Like This Facebook Post Claims?)

This Facebook post links to a video masquerading as WGN America content, with a headline that reads, “DUANE ‘DOG’ CHAPMAN Died of Pulmonary Embolism. He Didn’t Survive His Second Attack. He Was 66.” It also includes doctored footage of CNN’s “New Day” anchor John Berman reporting on “terribly sad news.”

However, the video appears nowhere on the WGN America website nor on the network’s social media accounts. The website hosting the video has no apparent affiliation with WGN America and seems to be a fake news site.

Chapman is very much alive, contrary to the video’s claim. He took to Instagram Nov. 20 to dispel rumors of his death, posting a picture of himself holding an “I’m Alive” sign and a copy of the Denver Post.

Chapman’s wife, Beth, died of throat cancer in June, according to CNN.

Trevor Schakohl

Legal Reporter
Follow Trevor on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/tschakohl
