FACT CHECK: Did Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Lose 48 Million Twitter Followers After Endorsing Joe Biden For President?
A post shared on Facebook claims actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson lost 48 million Twitter followers after sharing a video endorsing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
Verdict: False
Archived versions of Johnson’s Twitter profile and Social Blade data show that Johnson has not lost 48 million Twitter followers since endorsing Biden.
Fact Check:
Johnson on Sept. 27 publicly endorsed Biden for president in a video posted on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Biden’s campaign retweeted the video the same day. (RELATED: Did Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Wear A ‘Flush The Turd On November Third’ T-Shirt?
“As a political independent & centrist, I’ve voted for both parties in the past,” the video’s caption on Twitter reads. “In this critical presidential election, I’m endorsing @JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris. Progress takes courage, humanity, empathy, strength, KINDNESS & RESPECT. We must ALL VOTE.”
An Oct. 2 Facebook post alleges that Johnson lost 48 million Twitter followers in the days following his endorsement of Biden. Johnson had about 14.9 million Twitter followers on Sept. 27, an archived version of his Twitter timeline from that day shows. Check Your Fact looked at archived screen grabs of Johnson’s Twitter page on Sept. 28, Sept. 30, Oct. 1, Oct. 3, Oct. 4, Oct. 5 and Oct. 6, all of which showed his follower count staying around 14.9 million.
Data on the social media analytics website Social Blade also shows Johnson’s Twitter follower count rose by over 1,300 followers on Sept. 27 and has increased some every subsequent day as of Oct. 6, when it stood at roughly 14.9 million. On Sept. 28, the day after Johnson posted the endorsement, he gained more than 21,000 Twitter followers, per Social Blade.
Johnson’s public endorsement of Biden does not appear to have had a negative impact on his Instagram following either. Johnson’s Instagram account saw daily net follower increases between Sept. 27 and Oct. 6, according to Social Blade data. His Instagram page shows he has about 200 million followers at the time of publication.