FACT CHECK: Did The New York Post Run A ‘You’re Fired’ Cover?

Elias Atienza | Senior Reporter

A post on Instagram claims the Nov. 4 cover of the New York Post features a picture of President Donald Trump along with a headline reading, “You’re Fired!”

Verdict: False

This is not a genuine New York Post cover. The cover from the Nov. 4 issue features a woman biting her nails with the headline, “NAILBITER.”

Fact Check:

An image on Instagram depicts what appears to be the cover of the Nov. 4 “Future Edition” of the New York Post declaring President-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election. Featured on the cover is an image of Trump walking in a suit with his tie undone and grasping a red cap. Trump’s signature phrase during his time as host of the reality TV show “The Apprentice,” “you’re fired,” is in bold letters in the center of the cover, right below a quote reading, “My fellow Americans, our long NATIONAL NIGHTMARE is over.”

But the New York Post never ran such a cover. A list of covers published by the outlet shows no instance of the purported cover ever being run. The Nov. 4 cover actually features an image of a woman biting her nails along with the headline, “NAILBITER.” This cover also includes a weather forecast next to the date instead of the words, “Future Edition” which can be found on the alleged cover in the Instagram post. (RELATED: Did Virginia Election Workers Take Ballots Home On Election Night?)

Major news outlets including Fox NewsThe Associated Press and CBS News projected on Nov. 7 Biden to be the winner of the election, three days after the purported New York Post cover was released. The New York Post did not publish a cover projecting a winner of the 2020 presidential election until Nov. 8. That cover featured an image of Biden along with the text, “After 144 million votes, five days of counting and squeaker wins in Rust Belt states, America finally gives her verdict… IT’S JOE TIME.”

The fake cover went viral on Twitter after political consultant Mike Murphy shared the image along with the tweet, “New orders from Rupert, bury him.” Other individuals, such as journalist Katie Couric and former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci, likewise shared the image as if it was real, according to Mediaite.

Elias Atienza

Senior Reporter
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