FACT CHECK: No, Chelsea Clinton Did Not Send This Tweet About A Cartoon Criticizing Hillary Clinton And Anthony Fauci
An image shared on Instagram allegedly shows a tweet by Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in which she reacts to a cartoon critical of her mother and White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Verdict: False
There is no record of Chelsea Clinton sending the tweet. It appears to be fabricated.
Fact Check:
Featured in the image is what looks like a tweet from Chelsea Clinton reacting to a cartoon depicting a figure with Hillary Clinton’s head passing a note to one with Fauci’s head. The note in the cartoon reads, “Should have deleted them.”
“Is this supposed to be funny?” the text of the supposed tweet says. “It isn’t. Grow up people!!!!”
The cartoon appears to reference the emails from Fauci that BuzzFeed News and The Washington Post obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. It also seems to reference Hillary Clinton’s controversial use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. Wikileaks in 2016 released emails hacked from her then-presidential campaign chairman John Podesta’s account, BBC News reported.
In reality, there is no evidence the image shows a real tweet from Chelsea Clinton. An advanced search of her Twitter account turned up no such tweet. National media outlets also haven’t reported about her tweeting the comment or cartoon.
Another iteration of the supposed tweet shared on Facebook appears to show it was sent June 3 using Twitter for Android. However, all of the June 2021 tweets visible on Chelsea Clinton’s verified account at the time of publication have been posted through Twitter via iPhone or the Twitter WebApp.
In an email to Check Your Fact, a spokesperson for Chelsea Clinton said, “I can confirm she didn’t tweet this.” (RELATED: Did Hillary Clinton Send This 2011 Email To Barack Obama Discussing ‘The Pizza Arrangement’?)
Chelsea Clinton interviewed Fauci in an episode of her podcast “In Fact with Chelsea Clinton” that was released June 8. She tweeted about the episode the same day.