FACT CHECK: Does This Video Show A COVID-19 Crisis Actor Emerging From A Body Bag?
A video shared on Facebook allegedly shows a COVID-19 crisis actor emerging out of a body bag in the middle of a news broadcast.
Verdict: False
The video shows an Austrian protest against climate change. The scene visible in the video has nothing to do with COVID-19.
Fact Check:
The video, viewed over 800 times, shows a newscaster speaking on camera while a person emerges from a body bag in the background of the shot. The person then tries to get back inside the bag as another person rushes over to help.
“Crisis Actor Accidently Came Out Of The Body Bag Live On The News,” the video’s caption claims. “The mainstream news is doing all they can to increase fear to keep this deadly virus narrative when it is crumbling to peices (sic) nice try.”
The video is not a report on the COVID-19 pandemic or its death toll. Rather, the video was originally published Feb. 4 by the Austrian news channel OE24, with a headline that translates to, “Vienna: Demo against climate policy.” (RELATED: No, Derek Chauvin Is Not A Crisis Actor Using A Fake Name)
The anchor mentions the demonstration was organized by Fridays by Future, “a youth-led and -organized global climate strike movement,” according to the organization’s website. The Vienna and Austrian branches of the organization posted a Facebook event describing a protest set to take place Feb. 4 in front of Ballhausplatz Square, the same date as the OE24 newscast.
A photo of the demonstration was shared on the Viennese Fridays by Future Twitter, showing numerous demonstrators laying on the ground in black body bags. The image appears to be a different shot than the one featured in the news broadcast and makes no mention of COVID-19.
“Austria has not had an effective climate protection law for 400 days,” reads the post’s caption. “And that with a federal government that is committed to ‘climate protection’. For every day (!) that Austria does not reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, 49 people will die.”
Check Your Fact recently debunked a claim from January 2022 that alleged a French news network posed mannequins as COVID-19 victims for a segment on the virus.