FACT CHECK: Did Money Magazine Label Volodymyr Zelenskyy The ā€˜King Of Western Corruptionā€™?

Trevor Schakohl | Legal Reporter

An image shared on Facebook purportedly shows a Money magazine cover that accuses Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of “Laundering American Taxpayer Dollars.”



Verdict: False

There is no evidence that Money magazine, which no longer publishes a print edition, published such a cover. No such image appears on the magazine’s website.

Fact Check:

The U.S. has given approximately $54 billion in aid to Ukraine as of May 20 to help the country fend off a Russian invasion, according to The New York Times. Zelesnkyy stated in April that the country needed $7 billion a month to continue operations, BBC reported.

An image shared on Facebook claims the Ukrainian president was recently featured on the cover of Money magazine. The image shows an alleged cover in which Zelenskyy is riding a horse made out of $100 bills. “The American magazine Money called zelensky ‘the king of Western corruption,” the post’s caption claims.

The cover is digitally fabricated. The handle “@FJBUSA,” can be faintly seen above the magazine’s header. A keyword search of the handle reveals the user identifies the account as “satire/parody” and shared the same image in a June 22 Instagram post.

The alleged cover does not appear on Money’s website or social media posts. The magazine ceased its print edition in 2019, The Seattle Times reported. (RELATED: Did Banksy Create This Image About Vladimir Putin And Ukraine?)

This is not the first time a fabricated magazine cover with Zelesnkyy has circulated online. Check Your Fact previously corrected a viral image that appeared to show the president on the cover of Time Magazine in April.

Trevor Schakohl

Legal Reporter
Follow Trevor on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/tschakohl
