FACT CHECK: Did CBC Publish This Article About The Netherlands Declaring A State Of Emergency?
An image shared on Facebook purportedly shows a Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) article about the Dutch prime minister declaring a state of emergency over “farm protests.”

Verdict: False
This screenshot is digitally fabricated. There is no evidence CBC posted such an article.
Fact Check:
Dutch farmers blocked supermarket distribution centers last week in protest of government plans to restrict fertilizer and livestock use, according to Reuters. Dutch police recently fired on a group of protesters after they attempted to breach a police blockade, Politico reported.
The Facebook post allegedly shows a screen grab of an article from CBC with a headline reading, “Dutch Prime Minister declares state of emergency, claims farm protests are being orchestrated by a Canadian militia group known as ‘The Diagolon.'” The article does not include a timestamp or byline. (RELATED: Does This Video Show A Protest Against COVID-19 Restrictions In The Netherlands?)
This screen grab is digitally fabricated. There are no articles with such a headline on CBC’s website or social media accounts. There are also no credible news reports suggesting the Dutch government declared a state of emergency over the recent protests or that the protests are linked to any Canadian militia group.
The Diagolon is a neo-fascist group that emerged from a group of live-streamers called “The Plaid Army,” according to CTV News. The group is considered an “accelerationist” group that intends to accelerate or foment a civil war thus “overturning what they see as the current corrupt, illegitimate order,” the outlet reported.
Check Your Fact has contacted CBC for comment and will update this piece accordingly if one is received.