FACT CHECK: Did Dr. Oz Receive A Nobel Prize For Medicine?
A post shared on Twitter claims Republican Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz received a Nobel Prize for Medicine.
Verdict: False
Oz has not received nor has been nominated for a Nobel Prize. The claim appears to stem from an April Fool’s post in 2021.
Fact Check:
President Joe Biden weighed in on the senate race in Pennsylvania, sarcastically remarking that “Delaware was smart enough to send [Oz] to New Jersey,” The Hill reports. Recent polling data finds the senate race between Oz and Democrat candidate John Fetterman in a virtual dead-heat, according to NBC News.
The post claims Oz received the award for a memory pill he had allegedly developed. “@DrOz tell us this, did you win a Nobel prize for your memory pill? Or for anything else? Tell all of us now if so, or condemn those responsible for this BS!” The caption states with text in the image reading, “Dr. Oz’s Memory Drug Discovery Wins Nobel Prize.”
This claim is inaccurate. There are no credible news reports suggesting that Oz was the recipient of a Nobel Prize or that he claimed to be. The Nobel Prize website does not list Oz as a winner or even a nominee in any given year for its medicine category.
The claim appears to stem from an article written by Professor Benzi Kluger, written on Apr. 1, 2021. The professor mocked Oz saying, ‘some critics of this new direction feel that the Nobel Committee is prostituting themselves to stay financially solvent.”
Check Your Fact contacted Oz’s team for comment, and we will update this piece if a response is provided. (RELATED: Did CNN Report The Russians Gave Brittney Griner A DNA Test To Determine Her Gender?)
This is not the first time Oz has been the subject of misinformation during the campaign cycle. Check Your Fact debunked an image allegedly showing a group of Oz signs in a front yard spelling “No on Oz.”