FACT CHECK: Did A Florida Judge Ban The Bible?

Joseph Casieri | Fact Check Reporter

A post shared on social media purports a Florida Judge banned the Bible.

Verdict: False

The caption is inaccurate. There is no evidence that Florida has banned the Bible.

Fact Check:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a new policy that will demand all employers to verify the citizenship status of their employees, the Associated Press reported. The law also requires hospitals to inquire as to the citizenship status of patients.

The Twitter post claims a Florida Judge has banned the Bible. The user made the claim in a response to another tweet.

“With the Bible banned in Florida based on a judge’s ruling wrt deSantis book banning, does that mean the Bible must be removed from all Florida hotel & motel rooms?” the post reads.

There is no credible news report that Florida banned the bible. The claim stems from a satirical Twitter account called The Halfway Post, which the tweet was in response to. The account shares a disclaimer in their bio that reads, “Halfway true comedy and satire… I don’t report the facts, I improve them.”

DeSantis did sign legislation that would prohibit the use of certain books in K-12 education. (RELATED: Is Kenya Getting Rid Of The U.S. Dollar?)

According to NPR, a petition, which cited a bill signed by DeSantis, was filed to ban the Bible in schools by a Florida man named Chaz Stevens. However, NPR did note that Stevens is known for “his tongue-in-cheek petitions to local government agencies.”

This is not the first time that satire has been shared online as real. Check Your Fact recently debunked a claim that the Guardian published a piece saying that the Japanese Royal Family had “funny shaped eyes.”

Joseph Casieri

Fact Check Reporter
