FACT CHECK: No, The Guardian Didnā€™t Publish An Article About Getting ā€˜Dozensā€™ Of COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters

Elias Atienza | Senior Reporter

An image shared on Twitter claims to show an article by a Guardian columnist about how he received dozens of COVID-19 vaccine boosters while getting COVID-19 for the 23rd time.

Verdict: False

The image doesn’t show an actual Guardian article. The Guardian’s press office confirmed it was fake.

Fact Check:

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is no longer available in the U.S. after all remaining doses expired last week, according to CNN. Experts are also cautioning citizens to remain vigilant despite the emergency declaration for COVID-19 expiring May 11, Wired reported.

The Twitter image shows an alleged headline from the Guardian by George Monbiot. The headline reads, “I’ve caught COVID for the 23rd time despite having had dozens of boosters (I’ve lost count.) Thank heavens for vaccine.” The subheadline says, “billions of kids are dying from long COVID every day.”

However, the image doesn’t show an actual Guardian article. Check Your Fact reviewed Monbiot’s byline and did not find any articles matching the one in the Twitter image. The two latest articles are about arrests at the coronation of King Charles III and pollution at England’srivers.

“We can confirm that the link shared has never been a published Guardian headline or story,” The Guardian’s press office told Check Your Fact in an email. (RELATED: Did The Guardian Post A Story About The ‘Funny Shaped Eyes’ Of The Japanese Royal Family?)

Monbiot debunked the claim on Twitter.

@TheFreds believed this fake image was a real Guardian headline, and tweeted it, with the result that I’m being bombarded with abuse by their followers. They have now deleted their tweet. I would be grateful if they could explain that the image is false,” he tweeted.

Elias Atienza

Senior Reporter
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