FACT CHECK: Did Marjorie Taylor Greene Post This Tweet About Jesus Christ And The Fourth Of July?
An image shared on Facebook purportedly shows a tweet from Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in which she suggests the Fourth of July commemorates Jesus performing a miracle.

Verdict: False
There is no record of Greene making such a statement. The image appears to be fabricated.
Fact Check:
This year’s Fourth of July marked the 246th anniversary of the American colonies declaring independence from Great Britain. An image shared on Facebook shows an alleged tweet from Greene’s verified Twitter account about the holiday.
“246 years ago Jesus Christ performed his miracle of making a single days worth of bullets last 8 days, allowing The Continental Army (Americans Woot!) to defeat the Socialist Mexicans and the Liberal British (who were also Muslim),” reads the alleged tweet. “That’s why I give thanks this 4th of July.”
The image is fabricated. There is no record of the purported tweet on Greene’s verified Twitter account, or on the Politiwoops archive of her deleted tweets. Greene has not posted any similar comment on any of her other verified social media accounts either. There are likewise no credible news reports to corroborate the authenticity of the alleged tweet. (RELATED: Did Marjorie Taylor Greene Send This Tweet About Convictions And ‘Flimsy Circumstantial Evidence’?)
This is not the first time a false statement has been misattributed to Greene online. Check Your Fact previously debunked a viral post in August 2021 that alleged she said, “Jesus loves the U.S. most and that is why the Bible is written in English.”