FACT CHECK: Did The Dominican Republic Admit To Targeting Black People for Deportation?
A post shared on social media purports that officials in the Dominican Republic admitted to targeting Black people in their deportation efforts.
Verdict: Misleading
While reports suggest that such events are occuring in the country, officials from the Dominican Republic have repeatedly denied the accusations.
Fact Check:
An American nurse Alix Dorsainvil and her daughter have been released from being kidnapped from Port-au-Prince for 13 days, CNN reported. It is still unclear who took the locals as the Haitian National Police are still investigating.
The Twitter post shares claims that the government of the Dominican Republic has admitted to allegations that they have been targeting people with darker skin as they work to deport Haitian nationals. The poster shares this information with an account of a personal experience.
The post reads, “The Dominic Republican government literally admitted to flagging darkskin people’s passport when they enter the country so they can detain them before they leave their country out of fear they are really hatian- and low and behold who did that happen to? But EYE know no colorism.”
The D.R. has not admitted to racial profiling. The United States Embassy in the Dominican Republic did issue a warning to Americans traveling to the country that people have been “delayed, detained, or subject to heightened questioning at ports of entry and in other encounters with immigration officials based on their skin color” in November of 2022, but these claims were denied. Bloomberg reported the government of D.R. shared a scathing response to the allegation from the U.S. Government saying that the U.S. has provided no evidence. (RELATED: No, Ukraine Did Not Ask Canada To Send 30,000 Military Age Men To Fight Russia)
Credible news reports, such as The Guardian and the Washington Examiner, have indicated that during a massive deportation program many dark skinned people were being detained. Though there has been no admittance of wrongdoing by the government of D.R.
This is not the first time misinformation has been shared online. Check Your Fact has recently debunked a video that was edited to show Anne Hathaway tell Jon Stewart a dirty joke while on-air.